Online Help
Registering an account
Requesting a wholesale account
Shopping as a guest user
Changing the language or currency
Browsing the online store
Searching for specific items
Adding items to the shopping cart
Using Line Item Add
Using browse or search results pages
Using item detail pages
Using the Specials page
Removing items from the shopping cart
Searching for submitted orders
Using CenPOS to pay for items
Checking out as a first time registered CenPOS user
Checking out as a registered CenPOS user
Checking out as a CenPOS guest user
Additional help for all registered users
Signing in and out
Forgot your password?
Contacting us
Using shopping lists
Creating a shopping list for a selected item
Creating a shopping list for all items in the cart
Adding items to an existing shopping list
Removing items from a shopping list
Adding items from a shopping list to your cart
Deleting shopping lists
Using the wish list
Creating a wish list
Removing items from the wish list
Adding items from the wish list to your cart
Checking out
Changing your password
Changing your shipping address
Changing your warehouse
Formatting the navigation results section
Formatting the order confirmation PDF
Setting up logos
Additional help for only registered B2B (order entry) users
Using the Order Pad
Saving orders
Submitting quotes
Searching for saved orders
Viewing open transactions
Viewing open invoices
Paying invoices
Viewing paid invoices
Selecting a customer
Selecting a ship-to location
Selecting a pick-up location
Changing your contact information
Maintaining budgets and spending limits
Setting budget and spending limit defaults
Creating approver and requester accounts
Searching for account users
Updating approver and requester accounts
Deleting approver and requester accounts
Changing requesters' spending limits
Setting up budget years
Modifying budget years
Deleting budget years
Adding budget periods and amounts to a budget year
Modifying budget periods and amounts
Deleting budget periods
Working with pending orders
Working with approved orders
Working with declined orders
Help for only customer service representatives
Ordering items from the online catalog
Setting up logos