Creating approver and requester accounts

It is not necessary to create an approver or a requester account for every account user of a given customer. Approver accounts are necessary for users who approve orders for other users. Requester accounts are necessary for users whose orders are subject to approval based on a budget or order spending limit.

You must create approver accounts first, so they are available for assignment to shoppers when you create the requester accounts. Approvers can also place orders in the online store, but their orders do not require approval by another user.

To create an approver or a requester account:

  1. In the Approvals section, click Maintenance.
  2. Click Shopper Accounts.
  3. Click Create. The Shopper Account Maintenance page is displayed.
  4. Specify this information:
    Specify the user for whom to create an account by clicking Search to find the user in a list of all available users.
    Approves Orders
    Specify whether the user approves orders. If you specify Yes, this shopping account is an approver. Approvers do not require approval for their own orders. Skip to step 5. If you specify No, this shopping account is a requester and you must make the appropriate selections.
    Change PO Number
    This field is only enabled if the Approves Orders field is set to Yes. Specify Yes to allow the user to change the PO field before approving the order. Specify No and the order cannot be modified.
    Budget Approval
    If you selected No for Approves Orders, and your organization uses budgets, the default setting for this option is used. You can change the approval setting for this individual requester account at any time. These are your options:
    • Not Required: Orders never require approval before they can be submitted. This option is intended for upper management users.
    • Always Required: Orders always require approval before they can be submitted. This option is helpful, for example, for new employees whose orders should always be reviewed.
    • Required if Budget Exceeded: Orders require approval only if the budget will be exceeded when the order is placed.
    Spending Limit Approval
    If you selected No for Approves Orders, and your organization uses spending limits, the default setting for this option is used. You can change the approval setting for this individual requester account at any time. These are your options:
    • Not Required: Orders never require approval based on a spending limit.
    • Required if Spending Limit Exceeded: Orders require approval only if the current spending limit is exceeded.
    This field is displayed only if you selected Required if Spending Limit Exceeded. The default currency is used. You can change the currency for this individual requester account at any time. However, if the customer uses only one currency, that currency is displayed and no selection can be made.
    Spending Limit
    This field is displayed only if you selected Required if Spending Limit Exceeded. The default spending limit is used. You can change the spending limit for this individual requester account at any time.
    This field is required only if you selected No for Approver and Yes for Budget Approval or Spending Limit Approval. Specify the user who should approve orders for this shopper account by clicking Search to find the user in a list of all available approvers.
  5. Click Update.