Setting budget and spending limit defaults

You can use the online store Defaults page to specify whether budgets and spending limits are used by your organization. If either is used, additional fields, which are optional, are displayed for setting approval options and for specifying the currency and order spending limit. These defaults can be overridden at the account level when you create individual shopper accounts.

To set budget and order spending limit defaults:

  1. In the Approvals section, click Maintenance.
  2. Click Defaults.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select Yes if budgets are to be used by your organization. When set to Yes, a Budgets section, which shows the shopper the current budget year, period, total confirmed Web orders, and total Web budget.
    Spending Limits
    Select Yes if order spending limits are to be used by your organization.
  4. Optionally, specify settings in this step. These settings are used by default when shopper accounts are created. They can be changed for individual accounts.
    Budget Approval
    This option can be used only if you select Yes for Budget. Specify whether orders require approval before they can be submitted, based on the budget:
    • Not Required: Orders never require approval before they can be submitted. This option is intended for upper management users and users who are designated as approvers when you create individual shopper accounts.
    • Always Required: Orders always require approval before they can be submitted. This option is helpful, for example, for new employees whose orders should always be reviewed.
    • Required if Budget Exceeded: Orders require approval only if the budget will be exceeded when the order is placed.
    Spending Limit Approval
    This option can be used only if you select Yes for Spending Limits. Specify whether orders require approval before they can be submitted, based on the current spending limit:
    • Not Required: Orders never require approval based on a spending limit.
    • Required if Spending Limit Exceeded: Orders require approval only if the current spending limit is exceeded.

    When approvals are required for budgets or spending limits, an Approval section is displayed for all affected shoppers. The Approval section includes a link for approvers to access orders pending approval and a link for shoppers to access declined orders.

    This option can be used only if you selected Required if Spending Limit Exceeded. Specify the currency to use for shopper spending limits. If your organization uses only one currency, that currency is displayed and no selection is necessary.
    Spending Limit
    This option can be used only if you selected Required if Spending Limit Exceeded. Specify the spending limit amount.
  5. Click Update.