Adding budget periods and amounts to a budget year
After you
create a budget year, you can
add periods and amounts for that year.
To create budget periods and amounts:
On the
Budget Years page, click the
Year link. The
Budget page is displayed.
Specify this information:
- Periods
- If this is the first time you are adding periods to this
budget year, specify the number of periods in the year. You can add up to 53
- Currency
- Specify the currency to use for the current customer budget.
If the customer uses only one currency, that currency is displayed and no
selection can be made.
Add Periods. The number
of periods specified above is added to the grid.
Specify this information:
- Name
- Specify a name, up to 20 characters, for the budget period.
This name can be changed at any time.
- From
- If you have added a single budget period, or if this is the
first of multiple periods, the From date is set to the From date
for the budget year. For each subsequent period, the From date is set to the From date for the preceding period plus one.
- To
- If you added a single budget period, or if this is the last
period in the year, the To date is set to the To date for the budget year. If
you added multiple budget periods, you must specify the To date for each
interim period. The To date cannot be earlier than the From date of the same
period or later than the To date of the budget year.
- Amount
- Specify the budget amount for the selected period.
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